Online Communication, Business Assessment: Through the Lens of Springfield Armory


(Image courtesy of

I thought it would be interesting to assess a company with a long-standing lineage, to see how well they have integrated with online communications and platforms. My company of choice was established in 1794 and is an industry leader in the firearms market, both in the consumer retail space as well as that of the military/law enforcement subdivisions. Being that the topic of firearms has become such a heated area of debate recently, this company marks itself with an online presence that is secure and strong in both methodology and marketing, to maintain its market image of enduring strength.

Some of their most effective slogans being, “it takes a lifetime to build a legacy, it takes discipline to protect it”, or "defend your legacy". (Springfield Armory) Statements such as these add depth to the corporation’s commitment to safety and marketplace presence in today’s ever-changing scape of commercial ventures, for this market. Their social media platforms share an equal following of ~600,000 individuals, which indicates a secure number of followers, given the type of industry with which we are assessing. To contrast these findings, I also researched an unassuming consumer product to compare the number of actual followers. "Tide laundry products" boast a solid follower base of ~3.5 million people, however, through this analysis we can see that Springfield Armory has ~1/5 the share of actual followers, and given the subject matter of their business, seems to be a respectable number.

Insofar as their site layout, it is a fairly standardized page, with an arrangement that is equal to the majority of other commercial web-based home pages. Within the site, there is an interactive site map located near the top of the page, with quick links to retailers and firearm selectors. This layout seems to be aligned with the majority of commercial product homepage listings, and it instills a sense of confidence in the visitor, for navigating this site effectively. The middle section contains the bulk of their product offerings and an e-zine where their various products are reviewed and critiqued for potential consumers. In the bottom hemisphere of their home page, we are given additional “quick links” to the company’s social media platform landing spaces. These included Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and further issues of the company’s e-zine The Armory Life”. This was the only area that provided me with a somewhat puzzling outlook, as to why they neglected to have a link to their Twitter space included with all of their other linking sites.

Additionally, we are given contact information, media relations, and a helpful engine for choosing the “right” firearm for consumers visiting this site. All in all, the site maintained a cohesive feel throughout the entirety of the page, which is an important fact, being that this company does not directly retail its products to consumers. There is a plethora of “find your retailer” links provided throughout the page which clearly direct “interested” visitors in the right direction to make the ever-important purchase.

In summation, this is a company with almost 230 years of experience in the retail marketplace. They are a powerhouse of marketing strategies and have maintained an ever-present persona, that provides consumers with a sense of respect for that legacy. Their online presence is strong and methodically crafted to provide consumers with a sense of their immense share of this market. In our ever-changing consumer/retail marketplace, maintaining this presence is key to remaining valid and effective in current commercial endeavors. Their publications are specifically designed around their consumer base and they are ever conscious of these needs. We have assessed a generations-old company that has fully embraced the digital retail market, and maintained its market share through its strong online presence and merchandising.

(Image courtesy of Springfield Armory, INC)


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