About Me

 My given name is Michael, and I currently reside in the suburbs on the outskirts of Corvallis. I am currently seeking a degree in the psychological sciences here at Oregon State University; however, I have an extensive background in a variety of higher learning exploits. I am a graduate of the Le Cordon Bleu School of Culinary Arts (Portland), which is where I had the privilege to meet my lifelong best friend and wife. We are the proud parents of five lovely children all of whom are under the age of fourteen, we also share our home with five cats and one puppy. I have a passion for food, family, love, and I appreciate the outdoor opportunities that our great state of Oregon provides.

(Yoda the cat)

Insofar as online communication, I relegate myself primarily to email correspondence only. I do not employ the usage of social media nor do I follow any of these aforementioned channels. This is partly due to my lack of understanding of their significance in our contemporary society. I feel like there is a purpose and place for these media forums, however, I would rather communicate in person (face to face). Physical communication allows for an added dimension of feeling and awareness in a conversation and lets the participants interact on a more personal level. That being said, digital communication would be best suited to educational/professional/non-personal applications. 

Over the course of our Fall 2022 term, I would like to gain better insight into the world of digital/online communication techniques and theorems. This is an established frontier, that we as members of a global community, need to be competent online communicators and be well versed in these techniques, as this is the modern way of "networking".                                                                                                                                                 
  (Photo courtesy of: Fotosearch.com)



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